Kevin Alban OCarm RIP
Academic qualifications and experience:
- PhD in Church History (London)
- MTh in Systematic Theology (London)
- MA in History (Oxon)
- Lecturer in Mariology at Heythrop College, University of London, 2006 – present.
- Lecturer in Mariology, Ecclesiology and Church History, Pontifical Beda College, Rome, 2004 – 2015.
- Visiting Professor at St Mary’s University, Twickenham.
- Visiting Lecturer in Church History at Blackfriars, Oxford
- “The Ignea Sagitta and the Second Council of Lyons” in The Carmelite Rule 1207-2007, ed. P. McMahon, Rome: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2008.
- “Thomas Netter on Contemplation in the Doctrinale” in Memoriam fecit mirabilia Dei: Scritti in onore di Emanuele Boaga O. Carm, ed. G. Grosso and W. Santin, Rome: Edizioni Carmelitane, 2009.
- “The Treatment of Mary in the Doctrinale of Thomas Nette ras a Resource for Contemporary Theology” in Thomas Netter of Walden: Carmelite, Diplomate and Theologian (c. 1372-1430), in Carmel in Britain. Studies on the Early History of the Carmelite Order, volume 4, ed. J. Bergström-Allen & R. Copsey. Faversham: St Albert’s Press, 2009.
- The Teaching and Impact of the Doctrinale of Thomas Netter of Walden. Turnhout: Brepols, 2010.